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A vetted community of over 100K entrepreneurs & business executives from around the world.

FoundersCard is a membership organization for founders, CEOs, presidents, and other members of the entrepreneurial community. Membership provides access to private networking events, an online networking community, and a benefits program.FoundersCard is a vetted community of over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business executives from around the world. Our Members are the Founders and CEOs of today's most innovative companies and tomorrow's most promising ventures. Members enjoy access to frequent invitation-only networking events as well as exclusive benefits from premier travel, lifestyle, and business brands.

Deal Value:
Deal Value: 6 months free

What is FoundersCard?

FoundersCard is a membership organization for founders, CEOs, presidents, and other members of the entrepreneurial community. Membership provides access to private networking events, an online networking community, and a benefits program.FoundersCard is a vetted community of over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business executives from around the world. Our Members are the Founders and CEOs of today's most innovative companies and tomorrow's most promising ventures. Members enjoy access to frequent invitation-only networking events as well as exclusive benefits from premier travel, lifestyle, and business brands.

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